100% Gum Spirits
Size: 100ml
Turpentine is a clear solvent made from extracts of organic distilled resin from Argentinian pine trees.
Natural Turpentine is not a substitute for any medication or medical treatment.
If this product is swallowed, Miracle Solution is not responsible for any adverse detoxification effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions or procedures.
Beneficial Facts
Gum Spirits of 100% purity has been documented as efficacious for its anti-parasitic properties, making it a contentious option for addressing gastrointestinal concerns such as parasites or yeast infections. Additionally, it can be topically administered for alleviating joint pain, muscle discomfort, nerve-related pain, and toothaches.
Topical and sublingual administrations directly enter the bloodstream, while the oral route involves passage through the digestive tract, including the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
How to use
Refer to our website for a detailed Gum Spirits Protocol.