Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella sativa)

Size: 50g

Nigella sativa is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to eastern Europe and Western Asia, but naturalized over a much wider area, including parts of Europe, northern Africa and east to Myanmar.


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Nutritional information

Black cumin seeds contain thymoquinone, beta-sitosterol, myristic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, folic acid, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorous.

Health benefits

Because of its anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties, it has many health benefits and can also improve digestion, reducing inflammation, helping in weight loss, strengthening the immune system and even lowering blood pressure.

It is very effective in curing abscesses and tumors due in great part to the anti-tumor compound beta-sitosterol found in the seeds.


Use in curries, lentil dishes, soups, chicken, meats, fish, stir-fry, bread, on vegetables & in pastries. Excellent to mix with herbs like fenugreek, cumin, fennel, mint, thyme, paprika and black mustard seeds.


Over one hundred vitamins, minerals (like Cu, P, Zn and Fe), essential fatty acids (mainly linoleic acid (50-60%), carotene, flavonoids, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, fixed and volatile oils, alkaloids, saponins and many other compounds