Colloidal Gold

Size: 200ml

Colloidal Gold is very fine gold particles dispersed in pure distilled water.

Colloidal Gold improves the transmission of electrical signals between nerve cells in the brain. In part, this may be because gold is a catalyst for endorphin-like hormones. Gold also enhances the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD).


Take 5 to 10ml daily. 

Uses & Benefits  

Rejuvenating cell properties

Arguably Colloidal Gold's most celebrated health benefit is its positive impact on the body's most important biological functions. Firstly, it is known to rejuvenate the glands and positively affect our bodies' warmth mechanisms (resulting in a decrease in temperature-based issues like hot flushes, chills, and sweating at night). Secondly, it stimulates the nerves, resulting in a decrease in nervous pressure. And thirdly, it invigorates the sexual organs, alleviating impotency and functioning as a serviceable aphrodisiac. Unsurprisingly, then, regular consumption of colloidal gold has also been linked to increased longevity.

Improves cognitive function

A study showed that the subjects who ingested 30mg/day of Colloidal Gold over a 4-week period demonstrated considerable improvements in IQ than before the gold was administered. Unfortunately, the study also showed that the subjects' IQ scores returned to their prior levels between 1-3 months after they stopped taking the gold. Thus, individuals who wish to use colloidal gold for improved brain functioning are urged to consider long-term usage.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Research shows that colloidal gold can ease the swelling associated with inflammatory conditions like arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, and tendinitis. For example, a study found that patients who were treated for pain with colloidal gold reported suffering far less than those who received the placebo.

Enhanced focus & moods

Since gold has a harmonizing effect on our bodies, it can help individuals who are suffering from imbalanced emotional or mental states like anxiety, depression, frustration, and sadness. Therefore, if you suffer from low vibrational states and have found that home remedies like St. John's wort could not improve them, consider taking Colloidal Gold daily for at least one month and see if your mood improves.

De-creases obesity

Obesity is another health condition Colloidal Gold has also been used as a tool against. Colloidal gold is ranked as the number one remedy against obesity.

Helps to ease pains and swellings of arthritis, rheumatism, bursitis, and tendonitis.

Treatment of arthritic and rheumatic conditions, cases of multiple sclerosis, malfunctions of sexual function (both men and women), and also for endocrine problems and nerve disorders. Gold has soothing properties without being influenced by the nerves themselves.

Reduces Stress

Has a soothing effect that helps relieve stress, anxiety, and depression by repairing the brain, and boosting the immune response of the body to oxidative stress.


People who are addicted to medicines, tobacco, or food can therefore significantly reduce their problem due to these unique characteristics of gold.

Natural Antidepressant

Plays an important role in human mental development. Colloidal Gold has a balancing and harmonizing effect at all levels of the body, mind, and consciousness. It is used to improve mental level and emotional state. Feelings of increased energy, will, attention, and libido have been recorded.

Improves Cardiac activity

Colloidal Gold is also known for its direct action on cardiac activity and for improving blood circulation. It is beneficial for the regeneration of stagnating organs, special the brain and digestive tract, and is used in cases of blockage of glands and nerves and in poor coordination.


Do not use if allergic to gold.


  • Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
  • Store as far away as possible from magnetic fields.

Taking colloidal gold with colloidal silver

Unlike colloidal silver, which treats exclusively physical conditions, colloidal gold helps eliminate brain fog and other cognitive issues.

Some individuals choose to take both colloidal gold and silver on a regular basis - the silver to deal with existing bacterial conditions, and the gold to invigorate the body and improve their mental faculties. This is acceptable since colloidal gold and silver are non-conflicting and equally non-toxic. However, one should avoid taking the silver with a metal spoon, since metal causes the silver ions to lose their positive charge, rendering them worthless for holistic purposes.

Colloidal gold is also good for dogs

Colloidal Gold has been shown to help dogs in many of the same ways it helps humans, particularly for joint and back problems such as canine hip dysplasia - where once again, it's best used in combination with colloidal silver. Dogs that are down in their backs will often show marked improvement within a few days when given a few teaspoons of colloidal silver and gold daily - sometimes displaying friskiness not seen in years.