Hydrogen peroxide (HO₂)

Size: 500ml

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound and is used as an oxidizer, bleaching agent, and antiseptic, usually as a dilute solution in water for consumer use.


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Why do we not sell in larger bottles?

The recommended expiring date after the bottle has been opened is 12 to 18 months. If a 500ml is diluted to 3%, a volume of 5,830 Liters is obtained which will last the user far beyond the expiring date.

How to use

This table provides a suggested schedule for your hydrogen peroxide therapy. Each dose takes less than 1 minute to administer. Use only distilled water to dilute hydrogen peroxide; do not use water that has been chlorinated. The drops should be diluted in 180 to 240ml of water.

When you have completed the 23-day regimen in the table, gradually decrease the dosage by one drop a day until you get to the maintenance dose of 3 drops 3 times a day. This suggested protocol is based on years of experience and success stories from thousands of users.

Day Number of Drops Diluted in 180 to 240ml Distilled Water Times Administered Daily
1 3 3
2 4 3
3 5 3
4 6 3
5 7 3
6 8 3
7 9 3
8 10 3
9 11 3
10 12 3
11 13 3
12 14 3
13 15 3
14 16 3
15 17 3
16 18 3
17 19 3
18 20 3
19 21 3
20 22 3
21 23 3
22 24 3


















How to make 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution

If you want to make (for example100ml) a 3% solution from the 35% Food Grade Hydrogen peroxide, do the following.

Formula: C1 V1 = C2 V2

C1 = Is your stock concentration (35%)

V1 = Volume you want to work out

C2 = Final concentration of the diluted concentration (3%)

V2 = Final volume of diluted concentration (100ml) – You can make any amount you want


C1V1 = C2V2

35 x V1 = 3 x 100

V1 = 3 x 100 / 35

= 8.571


Now you take a 100ml measuring cylinder and fill it with 8.571ml with the 35% concentration.

Fill the cylinder with distilled water to the 100ml mark.

Now you have a 100ml 3% solution.

Make sure you label your bottle “3% Food Grade Hydrogen peroxide” to distinguish it from the 35% strength.


Can you use other strengths of Hydrogen peroxide?

The answer is NO!

  • 3% Pharmaceutical Grade: This is the hydrogen peroxide that's available at your local drugstore. It is for external use only and should not be ingested because it contains several stabilizers including acetanilide, phenol, sodium stagnate, and tetrasodium phosphate.
  • 6% Beautician Grade: This hydrogen peroxide grade is used by hair stylists to bleach hair. It is not to be ingested because it contains stabilizers as well as bleach.
  • 30% Reagent Grade: This has been used in several scientific experiments, but it contains stabilizers and is not for internal use.
  • 30-32% Electronic Grade: This hydrogen peroxide is used to clean electronics and is not for internal use.
  • 35% Technical Grade: This hydrogen peroxide is similar to Reagent grade, but it is more concentrated and contains phosphorus to neutralize chlorine in the water that is added to dilute it.
  • 35% Food-Grade: This is the only grade of hydrogen peroxide recommended for internal use. It's commonly used in the production of dairy products like milk and eggs. It is also sprayed onto the foil lining of products like juice and acts as an antiseptic.
  • 90%: This is used as a source of oxygen in rocket fuel.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The 35% strength needs to be diluted before being taken internally.

Hydrogen peroxide is also known as H₂O₂. It is a colorless liquid substance that is a bit more viscous than water. It is more often available in liquid form, for safety reasons. It is a strong oxidizer and is commonly used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent. As a living organism, we do produce minute amounts of hydrogen peroxide in our body during respiratory bursts, which is a portion of our immune response pathway.