Lugol’s Iodine
Size: 50ml with a dropper cap
Solution: 5%
Lugol’s Iodine has been associated with various positive effects on well-being and energy levels, including a reduction in brain fog. Patients have reported feeling warmer, requiring less sleep, experiencing improved bowel regularity, and noticing an improvement in their skin complexion.
It is important to note that this product should not be taken alongside Vitamin C. Additionally, it has been found to possess powerful anti-cancer properties, particularly for breast and prostate cancer.
If you would like a copy of the book, “The Iodine Crisis” by Lynne Farrow, kindly contact us.
To ensure a good night's sleep, it is recommended to take 2 to 6 drops of Lugol's Iodine in 120ml of water or juice before bedtime. However, if you notice that iodine affects your sleep, it is advisable to take it in the morning instead.
Additionally, the appropriate number of drops to be consumed also varies based on body weight. On average, women aged 19 and above should take 1 drop, while men of the same age group should take 2 drops.
Do not exceed the recommended dosage!
It is a potent tool for detoxifying heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminium, fluoride, and bromine. In addition to these benefits, iodine has been shown to promote healthy thyroid gland function, strengthen the immune system, and maintain normal energy levels.
A partial list of conditions that helped other people:
- Allergies
- Anti-cancer (especially breast and prostate) agent
- Blood pressure
- Brain fog
- Breast pain/ fibrocystic breast disease
- Cholesterol
- Cognitive problems (unclear thinking)
- Constipation
- Cysts and nodules
- Depression
- Dry skin
- Eczema
- Eye problems
- Fatigue
- Feeling cold
- Fertility (in women)
- Fertility problems
- Fibromyalgia
- Genital Herpes
- Gum infection
- Hair thinning
- Hearing loss
- Heart arrhythmia
- Increased erections and semen when applied to the testicles
- Increased sex drive
- Infections
- Lung conditions
- Menstrual irregularities
- Miscarriage
- Neck pain
- Ovarian problems
- Prostate disease
- Psoriasis
- Puffy face
- Resistance to colds and virus
- Scars
- Thyroid problems
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Vaginal infections
- Weight gain
Questions & Answers
Is there a quick “patch test” to see if you are iodine deficient?
What is that test and how accurate is it?
The so-called iodine patch test refers to painting a 5cm square of Lugol’s Iodine on the body and watching to see how long the orange square takes to fade. Theoretically, the quicker the orange fades, the hungrier your body is for iodine. However, so many variables exist in human skin, that the test cannot be considered reliable or conclusive.
- The body may be dehydrated on that day.
- The skin may be more or less iodine deficient than the ovaries.
- The gold standard in the Iodine Movement is to assess iodine deficiency with the 24-hour Iodine Loading Test.
I’m allergic to shellfish. Can I take iodine?
Most people who are allergic to shellfish can take iodine supplements. Shellfish contains protein which is a common allergen. Again, the Iodine Literate Practitioners find that only people allergic to iodized salt may be allergic to iodine supplementation.
Do I take iodine all at once or spread the dosage out throughout the day?
Most people prefer to take iodine in the morning because of the possibility of iodine causing wakefulness at bedtime.
If iodine is so good at killing bacteria, won’t it kill off the beneficial bacteria in my gut?
Iodine killing off gut bacteria has never been reported. Some scientists think the source of iodine from seaweed makes it protective as one of the original antioxidants from an evolutionary point of view.
I don’t have a thyroid. Does my body need iodine?
Yes. Every cell in the body requires iodine to function, everybody needs iodine.
I’ve heard cabbage and cruciferous vegetables cancel out iodine. Is that true?
If you are consistently consuming iodine, the goitrogenic vegetables will not hinder your thyroid function or impede iodine absorption. However, if you are not getting enough iodine and consume raw cruciferous vegetables or supplements derived from these vegetables, it may interfere with the absorption of iodine by your thyroid gland. It is concerning that some breast cancer patients have unknowingly taken iodine-free supplements made from broccoli, without realizing the potential consequences of blocking iodine.
I take thyroid medicine. Will iodine counteract that?
According to experts in the field of iodine, there have been no complaints regarding the impact of iodine on thyroid medication. Quite the opposite has been observed. It has been reported that iodine can serve as a crucial component in optimizing thyroid function, acting as a missing link to enhance its performance.
What if a person has an auto-immune thyroid disease such as Hashimoto’s?
Initially, medical professionals believed that there could be potential issues with Hashimoto's patients consuming iodine. However, recent findings have debunked this notion, revealing that this concern is merely a misconception perpetuated by advocates of an inadequate iodine treatment approach. Through extensive research conducted by seasoned specialists in iodine, it has become evident that a lack of iodine, coupled with a selenium deficiency, often serves as the primary catalyst for the development of Hashimoto's disease.
Do women need more iodine than men?
Research has shown that boys and girls need the same amount of iodine until puberty. However, once girls start developing breasts and ovaries, their iodine requirement increases. This increased need for iodine can sometimes lead to a deficiency in the thyroid. Dr. David Marine, a goiter researcher, found that in Ohio, both boys and girls had similar rates of thyroid disease until girls reached puberty, at which point a significantly higher number of girls developed goiter.
Why do the breasts need iodine?
The breast contains numerous iodine receptors that play a crucial role in maintaining the optimal functioning of milk ducts and other tissues. Research has shown that iodine can detoxify fluids in the breasts and eliminate cysts that may harbor harmful toxins.
What does iodine deficiency have to do with the breast?
In animals, the absence of dietary iodine can lead to swelling, and the formation of nodules, fibrous tissue, and cysts in the breasts. This pattern closely resembles the gradual development of breast disease in women. However, the introduction of iodine in the diet can effectively alleviate fibrocystic disease. Conversely, blocking iodine once again can cause a recurrence of breast disease.
Do nursing women need more iodine?
During breastfeeding, the body prioritizes the baby's iodine needs by extracting it from the thyroid if required. This phenomenon can contribute to the persistence of post-baby weight in some women. The redirection of iodine to the baby through breast milk may potentially lead to a decrease in metabolism.
What about the Prostate?
Iodine has a long history of use in the treatment of prostate disease, spanning over 100 years. In more recent times, there have been increasing reports of the effectiveness of Lugol's Iodine in reducing the symptoms associated with benign prostate disease (BPH).
Which parts of the body does iodine affect?
Iodine is present in every single cell of our body, playing a crucial role in various organs. While certain organs have a higher demand for iodine, it is difficult to determine which specific part of an individual's body may require more. For instance, some individuals may exhibit obvious deficiencies in the breast, while others may experience symptoms on their skin or in other organs.
Symptoms of iodine deficiency
Iodine deficiency can only be diagnosed via urine tests.
The symptoms of low iodine levels are primarily detected through thyroid symptoms, such as:
- a visible goiter
- thyroid gland that’s painful or tender to the touch
- breathing difficulties, especially when lying down
- difficulty swallowing
- fatigue
- extreme feelings of coldness, despite normal temperatures
- hair loss
- depression
- brain fog
- unintentional weight gain
It is worth noting that during the initial two weeks, it is common to experience a rise in body odor, which is believed to be a result of the elimination of toxins from the body. Additionally, it is not uncommon for certain individuals to have cloudy urine for an extended period of several months.